“Proposed New Article 42A
1. The State recognises and affirms the natural and imprescriptible rights of all children and shall, as far as practicable, by its laws protect and vindicate those rights.
2. 1° In exceptional cases, where the parents, regardless of their marital status, fail in their duty towards their children to such extent that the safety or welfare of any of their children is likely to be prejudicially affected, the State as guardian of the common good shall, by proportionate means as provided by law, endeavour to supply the place of the parents, but always with due regard for the natural and imprescriptible rights of the child.
2° Provision shall be made by law for the adoption of any child where the parents have failed for such a period of time as may be prescribed by law in their duty towards the child and where the best interests of the child so require.
3. Provision shall be made by law for the voluntary placement for adoption and the adoption of any child.
4. 1° Provision shall be made by law that in the resolution of all proceedings –
i brought by the State, as guardian of the common good, for the purpose of preventing the safety and welfare of any child from being prejudicially affected, or
ii concerning the adoption, guardianship or custody of, or access to, any child, the best interests of the child shall be the paramount consideration.
2° Provision shall be made by law for securing, as far as practicable, that in all proceedings referred to in subsection 1° of this section in respect of any child who is capable of forming his or her own views, the views of the child shall be ascertained and given due weight having regard to the age and maturity of the child.
Is the wording of the too open ended? thejournal.ie
Where can I get a simple explanation of the referendum?
The Referendum Commission has sent a guide to the Children Referendum to all homes. It is possible that a small number of homes may not have received it as yet. For those who have not, it is available online at www.referendum2012.ie
Usefull links referendum2012.ie
Why do we need this referendum? childrensreferendum.ie Download the Childrens Referendum Pdf Referendum_booklet_ENGLISH-lr-final
GLEN (gay + lesbian equality network) article and Belong To are calling for a yes vote.
Queer id: Children’s Rights Referendum – Gay Adoption topic
The Children’s Rights Alliance is a coalition of over 100 organisations working to secure the rights of children in Ireland, by campaigning for the full implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). It aims to improve the lives of all children under 18, through securing the necessary changes in Ireland’s laws, policies and services.
Vision : Ireland will be one of the best places in the world to be a child.
Mission: To realise the rights of children in Ireland through securing the full implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Download the Childrens Rights Alliance booklet: CampaignToolkit2012